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Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Bugs Me About Work!

The one thing I enjoy more then anything else in this world is my time with my family and my personal time.  So when the boss tells me that he or she wants to do a mandatory office meeting and that office meeting is either after or before working hours or during my lunch break that burns me to no end!  In this day and age when all we do is rush to do this and that the one thing we lack is time.  Most people put in a 40 hour work week and that time doesn’t even include the traveling to and from the job so depending how far you live from work some people are away from home 50 plus hours.  Lets face it when you do get home from work how much time do you actually get to spend with your family?  Not much I bet after you have to stop at the store, pick up kids (if you have them), fix dinner, or any other nightly duties you need to get down before you have to go to bed to get ready for another day of work. Along with those lovely mandatory office meetings I hate so much on my personal time is the boss coming up to me at the end of the day to ask me to stay late!  Oh sure no problem boss!  I will just let my kid sit at school wondering where the hell I am just so I can serve you so I don’t get a bad review when I am up for a raise.  I am sure my kid will understand! It would make me so happy if bosses would just get a clue and realize that our world doesn’t revolve around work and that we do have a life outside of work.  The job takes so much time away from home and family these days that the family suffers.  In my opinion I think that is why so many families have problems with their kids is because mom and dad aren’t home as much as they use too because of work.  Whatever happened to family first then work? So to my dear boss of now and future, please don’t get upset with me when I tell you to shove it next time you want to infringe on my personal time. 

So I ask any of my readers out there, what bugs you about work? Get on the soapbox and be heard! It really does feel good to let it out!

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