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Saturday, April 2, 2011


Yesterday I told you about my coworker and there is no other way to put it the girl is a diva!  After her whole fiasco with her issue down yonder it got me thinking about the way she is.  So I looked up the definition and there were many but this one particular definition seems to fit my dear ole coworker to a tee!

A girl or woman with an exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring a great deal of attention and excessive effort to maintain beauty, style and image.

She does have an exaggerated sense of self-importance in fact where we live she feels like she is the talk of the town, the “it” girl and if she so wanted to ruin a person in town she can with a snap of her finger.  Her and her little diva friends feel as if they own the town and everyone is there to serve them and their needs.  Oh and I am so sure she feels as if her invite to Wills and Kate’s wedding got lost in the mail!  I mean after all she is royalty for gosh sake!  

My coworker also works very hard on the whole beauty thing.  I don’t think anything in her closet came from Wal-Mart that would be just horrid to even think about having that kind of trash hanging among her Christen Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, and Giorgio Armani!  Her make-up of course is whatever is hot with the A-list celebs and she goes for frequent Botox treatments and mind you the girl is way too young to have wrinkles yet! 

Everything about my coworker is based on looks and let me tell you she feels she has them.  Now she isn’t an ugly girl by any means but she isn’t drop dead gorgeous either but you can’t tell her that!  Lord NO!  If you did she would just take it that you are jealous of her and you just said that to make yourself feel better.  She also feels that every man that walks through our business is drooling and fawning over her and that every single man is just dying to be with her whether they are happily married or not because hey how in the hell could they pass over a beauty like her! 

There will come a day for my coworker in the not too distant future when she will wake up one day and all that beauty will fade and no amount of Botox is going to be able to hide every wrinkle.  I have told her many times that beauty is only skin deep and when it comes right down to it, it’s what’s inside that counts most of all and how you treat other people.  Will she ever understand or get it?  Who knows but one thing is for sure, her whole outlook about herself is freaking entertaining to anyone that knows her.  You’ve gotta love them Divas!  They can be a real hoot! 

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