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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Take on Our Wonderful Economy

If our wonderful government wants to fix the economy they need to start with the gas prices!  Sure our economy is a multi-facet mess but to get on the right road to fixing it they need to fix the biggest problem first.  Driving home yesterday and seeing that the prices have yet again jump and now we where I live are paying almost $4.00 a gallon, this is getting more then ridiculous! In fact it is getting way beyond ridiculous! Our government, as lame as they are, are trying to figure out to get us, the American people to start buying again.  Well guess what you morons, we aren’t going to be spending if a good chunk of what we make is going into our gas tanks just to get us to work and back.  The higher gas prices have caused everything to go up in prices because it cost more to transport the stuff to stores.  For some reason I keep hearing the famous words by Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does” when I think about the dopes on the hill!  The gas prices have caused everyone to cut back!  Heck within my family the only driving we do is what we call essential driving and that is it!  No more going for rides or taking the family out for a day of fun because we can’t afford it! 

One thing my husband and I have noticed is that when the barrel prices go down the price at the pump never reflects that but if the price go up even ½ a cent the prices jump overnight!  Now why is that?  Also any kind of unrest in the Middle East causes the price to jump as well!  Oh my God! Qaddafi just farted!  There go the gas prices up $1.00!  You get where I am going with this thought process!  Wall Street’s speculators our killing us and the government needs to put a stop to it if we are ever going to start the long road to economic recovery.  Okay off the soapbox for now but I am sure I will revisit this topic again because I don’t see any hope in prices going down! 

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