
Welcome and glad you stopped by. Step up on the soapbox and be heard. It 's your chance to stand up and clear the air and let out how you feel.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Take on Our Wonderful Economy

If our wonderful government wants to fix the economy they need to start with the gas prices!  Sure our economy is a multi-facet mess but to get on the right road to fixing it they need to fix the biggest problem first.  Driving home yesterday and seeing that the prices have yet again jump and now we where I live are paying almost $4.00 a gallon, this is getting more then ridiculous! In fact it is getting way beyond ridiculous! Our government, as lame as they are, are trying to figure out to get us, the American people to start buying again.  Well guess what you morons, we aren’t going to be spending if a good chunk of what we make is going into our gas tanks just to get us to work and back.  The higher gas prices have caused everything to go up in prices because it cost more to transport the stuff to stores.  For some reason I keep hearing the famous words by Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does” when I think about the dopes on the hill!  The gas prices have caused everyone to cut back!  Heck within my family the only driving we do is what we call essential driving and that is it!  No more going for rides or taking the family out for a day of fun because we can’t afford it! 

One thing my husband and I have noticed is that when the barrel prices go down the price at the pump never reflects that but if the price go up even ½ a cent the prices jump overnight!  Now why is that?  Also any kind of unrest in the Middle East causes the price to jump as well!  Oh my God! Qaddafi just farted!  There go the gas prices up $1.00!  You get where I am going with this thought process!  Wall Street’s speculators our killing us and the government needs to put a stop to it if we are ever going to start the long road to economic recovery.  Okay off the soapbox for now but I am sure I will revisit this topic again because I don’t see any hope in prices going down! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Yesterday I told you about my coworker and there is no other way to put it the girl is a diva!  After her whole fiasco with her issue down yonder it got me thinking about the way she is.  So I looked up the definition and there were many but this one particular definition seems to fit my dear ole coworker to a tee!

A girl or woman with an exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring a great deal of attention and excessive effort to maintain beauty, style and image.

She does have an exaggerated sense of self-importance in fact where we live she feels like she is the talk of the town, the “it” girl and if she so wanted to ruin a person in town she can with a snap of her finger.  Her and her little diva friends feel as if they own the town and everyone is there to serve them and their needs.  Oh and I am so sure she feels as if her invite to Wills and Kate’s wedding got lost in the mail!  I mean after all she is royalty for gosh sake!  

My coworker also works very hard on the whole beauty thing.  I don’t think anything in her closet came from Wal-Mart that would be just horrid to even think about having that kind of trash hanging among her Christen Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, and Giorgio Armani!  Her make-up of course is whatever is hot with the A-list celebs and she goes for frequent Botox treatments and mind you the girl is way too young to have wrinkles yet! 

Everything about my coworker is based on looks and let me tell you she feels she has them.  Now she isn’t an ugly girl by any means but she isn’t drop dead gorgeous either but you can’t tell her that!  Lord NO!  If you did she would just take it that you are jealous of her and you just said that to make yourself feel better.  She also feels that every man that walks through our business is drooling and fawning over her and that every single man is just dying to be with her whether they are happily married or not because hey how in the hell could they pass over a beauty like her! 

There will come a day for my coworker in the not too distant future when she will wake up one day and all that beauty will fade and no amount of Botox is going to be able to hide every wrinkle.  I have told her many times that beauty is only skin deep and when it comes right down to it, it’s what’s inside that counts most of all and how you treat other people.  Will she ever understand or get it?  Who knows but one thing is for sure, her whole outlook about herself is freaking entertaining to anyone that knows her.  You’ve gotta love them Divas!  They can be a real hoot! 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Obnoxious Co-worker

Vent time! I work in a small office where it is just my co-worker, boss, and me.  There are days in which our boss is not in the office and on those days one of us doesn’t have to work.  My day is Friday, hers is Wednesday, must say I love having my day because I have an extra day every so often in which I can get stuff done, such as doctor appointments, kids school events, and errands that I can’t get to on the weekend.  The mini-drama with my co-worker began on Monday when she told me she was having female problems and thought maybe she had an infection and asked me what I thought.  I told her to go and see a doctor but she instead said she would wait and hopefully the infection would clear up on its own.  Well it didn’t!  So then yesterday (Thursday) whatever was brewing down yonder had gotten worse and she had to go and see her doctor immediately but since she had waited until the last minute to call the doctor they could only see her Friday at 1:00 and that I had to cover for her.  Fine I understand that she has a medical emergency but what gets my goat is that she waited until the last minute and that she didn’t go when it wouldn’t interfere with what I had planned today.  So yesterday I had to juggle what I had had planned to work around her medical issue. Then before I left yesterday she drops another bomb on me that her appointment may take longer because she decided to change her appointment to her full-blown yearly female medical exam and that she wasn’t sure when she would be back to relieve me. Needless to say I left work fuming!  I had changed my plans once for her and now without asking me she is telling me I am pretty much working the whole day for her! Newsflash for my co-worker….It ain’t happening!  I am not going to miss my son’s 1st track meet that he is running in just because she decided to wait until the last minute to get her issue down yonder looked at!  If it was as bad as she is saying it is she could have gone to an urgent care place or she could have gone to the doctors earlier in the week like I told her too when the boss wasn’t there.  It just burns me up that she has no consideration for what I had planned today and just figures I would drop everything for her!  Sorry honey my family comes first not what’s going on with your female anatomy! Whew!  I feel better off the soapbox for now! 

Monday, March 28, 2011


I like so many other people out there hate Mondays with a passion!  For the most part we all have to work and the thought of 5 grueling days to get to that ultimate prize at the end of the week called the weekend seems so far away.  Starting on Sunday the dread starts to over take me and wondering what kind of week will unfold for me.  The driving to and from work, what issues the boss is going to have, and what kind of snafus I will run into.  Mondays for the most part seem to go so slow and they always seem to put me in a bad mood.  I say we take the stinking Mondays and make them part of the weekend!  Maybe more people would like the poor ole day.  Sure I know if we did that then Tuesday would be the dreaded day but can’t hurt to try my idea.  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Bugs Me About Work!

The one thing I enjoy more then anything else in this world is my time with my family and my personal time.  So when the boss tells me that he or she wants to do a mandatory office meeting and that office meeting is either after or before working hours or during my lunch break that burns me to no end!  In this day and age when all we do is rush to do this and that the one thing we lack is time.  Most people put in a 40 hour work week and that time doesn’t even include the traveling to and from the job so depending how far you live from work some people are away from home 50 plus hours.  Lets face it when you do get home from work how much time do you actually get to spend with your family?  Not much I bet after you have to stop at the store, pick up kids (if you have them), fix dinner, or any other nightly duties you need to get down before you have to go to bed to get ready for another day of work. Along with those lovely mandatory office meetings I hate so much on my personal time is the boss coming up to me at the end of the day to ask me to stay late!  Oh sure no problem boss!  I will just let my kid sit at school wondering where the hell I am just so I can serve you so I don’t get a bad review when I am up for a raise.  I am sure my kid will understand! It would make me so happy if bosses would just get a clue and realize that our world doesn’t revolve around work and that we do have a life outside of work.  The job takes so much time away from home and family these days that the family suffers.  In my opinion I think that is why so many families have problems with their kids is because mom and dad aren’t home as much as they use too because of work.  Whatever happened to family first then work? So to my dear boss of now and future, please don’t get upset with me when I tell you to shove it next time you want to infringe on my personal time. 

So I ask any of my readers out there, what bugs you about work? Get on the soapbox and be heard! It really does feel good to let it out!