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Friday, April 1, 2011

Obnoxious Co-worker

Vent time! I work in a small office where it is just my co-worker, boss, and me.  There are days in which our boss is not in the office and on those days one of us doesn’t have to work.  My day is Friday, hers is Wednesday, must say I love having my day because I have an extra day every so often in which I can get stuff done, such as doctor appointments, kids school events, and errands that I can’t get to on the weekend.  The mini-drama with my co-worker began on Monday when she told me she was having female problems and thought maybe she had an infection and asked me what I thought.  I told her to go and see a doctor but she instead said she would wait and hopefully the infection would clear up on its own.  Well it didn’t!  So then yesterday (Thursday) whatever was brewing down yonder had gotten worse and she had to go and see her doctor immediately but since she had waited until the last minute to call the doctor they could only see her Friday at 1:00 and that I had to cover for her.  Fine I understand that she has a medical emergency but what gets my goat is that she waited until the last minute and that she didn’t go when it wouldn’t interfere with what I had planned today.  So yesterday I had to juggle what I had had planned to work around her medical issue. Then before I left yesterday she drops another bomb on me that her appointment may take longer because she decided to change her appointment to her full-blown yearly female medical exam and that she wasn’t sure when she would be back to relieve me. Needless to say I left work fuming!  I had changed my plans once for her and now without asking me she is telling me I am pretty much working the whole day for her! Newsflash for my co-worker….It ain’t happening!  I am not going to miss my son’s 1st track meet that he is running in just because she decided to wait until the last minute to get her issue down yonder looked at!  If it was as bad as she is saying it is she could have gone to an urgent care place or she could have gone to the doctors earlier in the week like I told her too when the boss wasn’t there.  It just burns me up that she has no consideration for what I had planned today and just figures I would drop everything for her!  Sorry honey my family comes first not what’s going on with your female anatomy! Whew!  I feel better off the soapbox for now! 

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